Island of the Blue Dophins


We are reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. Here are some of the connections we made from the book to the scientists in Antarctica. Animals like dolphins, seals, and whales are found in Antarctica as well as in the book. The  main character in Island of the Blue Dolphins is Karana. She is brave, smart, courageous, creative, and takes risks. The scientists are also brave, smart, creative, and take risks just like Karana. Both have to learn the way of survival. Karana fights wild dogs like the scientists fight the weather. Karan is the one that has to learn to live on a deserted island by herself. The scientists on the other hand have to discover the dead organisms around the continent of Antarctica. Both the scientists and the book were very interesting and we hope to learn more as we read on and communicate with the scientists.

The Call of the Wild

"Awooooooooooo, " says Buck from The Call of the Wild. Buck, the main character, is a brave, courageous, heroic, strong dog who perserveres through harsh times. He was beaten, starved, stolen, neglected, and broken hearted until a man named John Thornton cared for Buck and showed  him true love.

Now that you have heard about the book The Call of the Wild, lets talk about the similarities between Pete and Buck. Some of the similarities are: 
            *Pete and Buck are both strong
            *They both perservere through the cold and hard weather
            *Both were separated from their families
            *Both listen to their bosses
            *They had to be trained and work very hard
            *There is a person named Pete in the story

Some similarities between Antarctica and the book are: 
            *It is very cold in both settings
            *Both are near mountain ranges

The Call of the Wild and Antarctica have a lot in common and are very interesting.