There are now pictures up of our science presentations on the science page. Please take a look! 5th Graders, maybe you could share a few of the words and definitions to give our followers an idea of what we are studying. I hope everyone had a great holiday!
How do you know the trails you found are fish trails?
How long did it take you to figure out what the fossils were?
How did you know they were from 260 million years ago?
Have you found any unusual fossils?
Do you get a chance to talk to your family?  How do you do that?
Do you have to use math there?  If so, what?  Fractions?
Have you learned anything new you would like to share?
What do you hope to get for Christmas?
How long were you in college?
Do you see any signs of global warming?
Do you get tired of seeing the color white?
How do you get electricity?
Have ever almost stepped in weak or melting ice?
Do you have snowshoes?
Ok 5th graders, I think our blog is ready to go! We can now share our new information and findings with everyone. This will be a lot of fun and I look forward to working on this with you :)
-Ms. Derrick