Recently we have received emails from the scientists we have been working with. We have learned a lot of neat information as well as updates of  thier findings. Some of the information we have found may answer some of the questions that have been posted since we started our blog.  5th Graders please share what have you learned so far.
Hannah Kulas
1/6/2011 12:18:28 am

Dr. Pete and Dr. Steve are going to a glaicer with another Dr. Also on Christmas Eve one sciencetist ran outside and got a kickball and all of the sciencetists played kickball until 12:00A.M!

Cody, Raziel, Michael, Andrew
1/6/2011 12:19:38 am

24 hours 7days a week sun light,they have white outs,they have flags for safty so they don't fall through the ice.

1/6/2011 12:20:02 am

From the emails we got we all learned (even the teachers) that they found fossilized forests and creatures.We also learned that they're looking for trace fossils(fosils that tell you what was there at a specific time)and they dug into the ground and they were trying to find the Permian rocks in the Triassic rocks which is the only rock they can get to.Triassic and Permian are time periods of the past.The Permian time was from 299 to 251 million years ago.The Triassic was from 251 to 200 million years ago.

Destiny, Annie, and Gina
1/6/2011 12:20:11 am

Pete sent us an e-mail that said that they found evidence that there once was a forest and swamp in Antartica.

Hydea Burks
1/6/2011 12:21:32 am

Helo,for christmas the scientist's had a dance hall.Befor christmasthey found fossils of fish,plants,animals and trees. talk soon :)

Destiny,Annie and Gina
1/6/2011 12:22:06 am

There once was animal life in Antartica
long ago. It used to be mild in Antartica. But then the climate changed.And all the animals died there 95% of them.

1/7/2011 07:07:12 am

The scientist's have found fossils and catlog them. It means that they organize the fossils. They organize the fossils by information and numbers.That is what is going on in Antartica.

Mrs. Schakner
1/11/2011 06:09:57 am

I have some pictures of animals, the sea around Antarctica, and Antarctica that my son took when he was there. I just figured out how to burn them to a CD so I will drop it off tomorrow for you to see. -Mrs. Schakner

Mrs. Schakner
1/11/2011 06:11:24 am

This is a good website about Antarctica, with lots of good links.

1/12/2011 07:53:18 am

5th graders,
Have any of you been inspired by the scientists to become a scientist yourself? If so, what would you want to study?

Michael Miller
1/17/2011 12:59:06 am

We got a call from Antartic last Tuesday, and here is some theings I have learned. There was maybe more than one Mass Exticition the scientists think because of the coldness, carbon dioxid and othe deadly chemicals, there is a mechine that has a dimond shaped blade that can cut through any thing. But they called us on a satlelite phone from a remote camp on the Baerdmore glacier. Bye!

1/17/2011 01:14:52 am

I learned from the phone call from antartica.That they make water from snow on a pan in another tent which is the kichen.when the snow is melted the sciencetist out the water they made ina five gallon tank.the sciencetist clean there self with baby whips and the shower they use the water in that five gallon tank

Andrew Fossell
1/17/2011 01:20:46 am

I learned from the phone call that they use baby wipes to get clean. They use a satilite phone to call mcmerdo station. It a dday later there than her because the time diffrence. Last but not least they found about 1000 fossils.

Destiny Medina- Mercil
1/18/2011 01:04:42 am

I leared that Steve sometimes works in - 30 degrees fahrenheit. It is awesome that they even work in that kind of weather. I could not stay in that for a day! Steve even has to take showers in their tents with coldness coming into his tent. The showers that they take are by using baby wipes or by
using warm water in a bowl!

1/18/2011 01:21:09 am

I leaned that in Antartica the sciencetists have found tons of fossils. The totel fossils they have found are about 1,000 fossils.They are not sure how many exactly, but about 1,000.That is how many they have found.

Hannah Kulas
1/19/2011 01:04:20 am

During the phone call, Pete told us that there are more fossils above the P.T (Permian Triasic) boundrie than bellow. They also found a 6ft. long burrow with claw marks of a therapsid. Most creatures including us evolved from them.

1/19/2011 01:21:17 am

The scientists who are in Antarctica used a sattelite phone to call us. When they called us it was 12:55p.m. here and 7:30a.m. there. They also found claw marks by the burrows they found.

Damian Darby
1/19/2011 08:30:13 am

From the emails, we learned that they have found a therapsid burrow and the scientists new it belonged to a therapsid because of prevous discoveries.

Annie Bustos
1/19/2011 09:00:30 am

When we read the emails that they sent us I learned that they don't need to filter the snow they melt to drink water. They don't need to filter the water because there is pollution in Antarctica.

hydea burks
1/20/2011 12:43:56 am

Have you ever woundered how the sientist get clean I'll answer that for you.they ues baby wipes or once a month they go into a tent and they would have a guge of water and put some sope and water on them then rines off with the rest of the water.what do you think of this? Any way talk to you soon :)

1/20/2011 01:04:47 am

Did you know they wash up with baby whipes. They also melt snow for water

1/24/2011 02:25:12 am

did you know they washed there bodys with baby whips

1/28/2011 03:25:44 am

The scientists found severel burrows.

1/28/2011 03:30:52 am

They found foslles

Damian Angelo Darby
1/28/2011 03:33:11 am

The scientists recently found petified trees and tree stumps.Petrified means wood that has turned to stone.A long time ago Antarctica was covered with forests.

1/30/2011 10:09:46 am

please check out


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